Mar 1, 2021Liked by Emily R.

I hope the “get a better job” crowed understands that on average a teachers career lasts around 5 years ....then they move on. I hope they also know that there is right now a teacher shortage already. People are being driven away from teaching because of the hatred from the public. Soon teaching your kids at home, for real, may be a reality simply because there is no one left wanting to teach. Do better.

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Feb 27, 2021Liked by Emily R.

Very well written, and your last paragraph made me smile! I am a retired teacher and so is my husband. My daughter and son are also teachers! My daughter is now home with her 4 children, but continues to “work” in education as a member of the local board of education, this year as president! As a parent, teacher and board member she sees all sides of this topic! It is a difficult time, but everyone needs to be appreciated for their work!

We teachers have been bashed by some and probably will be again, but we must remember that we also have many supporters who appreciate all our efforts!

Not everyone has what it takes to be a teacher!

And you appear to be an excellent member of our profession! I hope you continue for many more years! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this! And good luck with the remainder of this crazy school year!

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Emily R.

I was very sick and my doctor refused to see me without two negative COVID tests. She is only doing well visits and suggested I go to an Urgent Care facility. Every profession is protecting itself but teachers are being vilified for doing so and not vaccinated

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Feb 27, 2021Liked by Emily R.

Thank you for bringing this to light.

I'm sorry some people have been so critical, insulting, and hateful.

In my community... you are very appreciated!!

Thank you, for all that you do!!

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Why is it that people's criticism (e.g., Katrina) is "I went back to work because I had to, safe or not. You should too..." Like so many other arguments in this country, you being screwed by your employer doesn't mean it should also happen to everyone else. I feel for Katrina very, very much. But instead of attacking others, perhaps advocate for your own needs too.

I withdrew my child from school this year and homeschooled, not because I don't value teachers' work (I am a former teacher with 16 years experience), but because I knew my own child needed the physical connection. As someone working at home (freelancing because I lost my job during covid last spring), it was easier for me to develop and direct his education myself than to try to support someone else's curriculum. It's INSANELY hard to juggle with 50+ hour weeks trying to keep an income flowing. But I look at my teacher friends, and they are doing this with their own children while also educating 100+ online students.

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Emily R.

I never stopped going to work and work as closely with just as many people as you would students in a classroom. My employers certainly had the capabilities to allow us to work from home but did not. At this point, a year after the pandemic started, I think it is fair to say everyone should be back to work, taking proper safety precautions. If that is not possible, then suggest finding new employment just like everyone else would have to if their risk is too high. No one asked for a pandemic. You think my work is appreciated? The fact that I never stopped working, had to figure out how to get my student to learn while her teachers sent powerpoints for her to learn off line by herself, to get through social issues and mental health issues because she just moved into a new district, then into high school where she has no friends? No, none of that is considered or appreciated. I have had salary jobs since I was 20 years old and put in loads of hours without pay, to get the job done, for the greater good. I'm not sure how ranting in this blog is getting you a pay raise, less hours, or more appreciation. If you are unhappy, you should move on before your distaste for your job and the parents of your students rub off on the children that need your support.

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Emily R.

Beautiful article. My respect to all the teachers. It is sad that few don't understand that teachers play a key role -teach, guide, coach, train, discipline, empowerand nurture spending just 5-6 hrs per day with students. Rest hours are spend outside and it is tough when one expects teachers to play the role of parents too when it is actually duty of a parent to find why only few fail when others in the class are doing well.. teachers are also parents to their own kids and so they know what is good for their students and they conduct separate classes and study groups while they continue to assess them irrespective of the mode of learning. hope this condition will become better soon when everyone is vaccinated and continue social distancing.. I understand it is tough for few who are not working virtually but it is not fair to put that burden on teachers who are working non stop from day one.. they are rock stars and they will always be.. Thank you.. hope this too shall pass

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Emily R.

Nailed it. I totally concur that many students are probably learning more virtually, for they are not interrupted or distracted by fights, weed smells in the halls, or the other incessant drama that takes place daily in high schools with inconsistent rule enforcement (mostly because schools now are scared of parents, and therefore, parents and students run the show). And ultimately, parents are a child's first educator, so if a parent feels their child's education is lacking for whatever reason, it is their responsibility to fill that gap; there is only so much that can ne done in a day. Society has become far too dependent on schools; schools are meant to educate kids, not raise them.

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Feb 28, 2021Liked by Emily R.

This is so spot on it hurts - a fellow educator

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This. Is. Amazing. A delightful group of parents in our school district that want their kids back NOW in-person just hosted a “rally” in our town streets. The signs they held said many of the highlighted things you “explain” here. Thank you. From this former teacher, thank you for putting this right out there for the people in the back. 💗

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Emily R.

Just so you know, I have never once thought/said that teachers don't deserve to be paid more or they are lazy. I also think schools should and can reopen, in a safe way, on a part time basis. Just as you don't like people judging your profession, it would help your case if you don't judge all parents by saying the only reason they want schools to open is to so they can have a "childless afternoon." The vast majority of parents I know want schools to reopen because they are seeing their child's (or children's) mental health deteriorating before their eyes. Scores of medical and health professionals have attested to the damage this year is having on kids, and it's up to both parents and educators to come up with solutions instead of denigrating one another.

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Emily R.

I am not a teacher but am a BIG fan and supporter of my kids teachers. I could not love this article more. I am always in awe of their work, so unbelievably impressed in this last year the amount of flexibility and creativity they have brought to make online learning engaging. I dont know if people expected their kids to be geniuses this year...but my kids have learned a ton! It's a pretty scary environment to expect teachers to go back to when you've got kids sneezing, coughing, picking their noses in a regularly year then add a pandemic with all these gross things. You all should have been times people of the year! Please know not every parent feels negative. Virtual high five!

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Emily R.

I'm not a teacher but my daughter is and she has always gone above and beyond for " her kids". I don't understand how with one breath people say teachers are essential and with the very next they should risk their lives and that of their own family because it's inconvenient for you to have to help your own children

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Emily R.

Yes, we chose to be teachers. We continue to teach, even though it looks different during the pandemic. You are a parent. Continue to parent, even though it looks different during the pandemic! We are ALL dealing with new, unexpected, and hopefully temporary challenges. It's a pandemic, people!

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Emily R.

Seriously I have had nothing but thankful parents and appreciation for my profession. The only difficulties come from parents who don’t like to be called out and held accountable table and that is one situation in my class. Everyone else is so grateful for all that we have done!!!

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Emily R.

Thank you for putting into words how we all feel. Excellent article.

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